IT WAS MAGICAL and I am grateful for it ALL!

I Fell in Love with Australia and:

… the deep culture, magic and mystery of the land
… the women and their crafts, scrapbooks, strength and hospitality
… the men and their visions, their gentleness and sturdiness
… the scrub and its starkness
… the lush green and succulence
… the empathy and love for original peoples
… the passionate energy in pursuit of justice for all
… the warmth and bondedness of old friends
… my opening for companionship ….

I fell in love in Australia and with LIFE !

Nancy Lanphear

Poetry in the making:
During my pilgrimage to Australia from the 25th of August to the 21st of September 2014, I wrote words similar to these as a first draft of a poem “in the making”. What I discovered when I began to add many more words – perhaps the earlier version speaks loudly enough? Anyway, I will write it out and let the simple words speak for themselves.

Nancy Lanphear is a member of ICA USA

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