Promoting peace across the borders

By Svitlana Salamatova and Ana Nikolov

The Global ICA Channel, ICA Ukraine’s Internet media project, broke new ground by hosting a meeting of experts on cross-border cooperation (CBC) this year.
The meeting entitled “The Role of Experts of CBC Ukraine – Russia – EU in Peace Building” was held on Jan 12 and facilitated by Larry Philbrook, the head of ICA Taiwan.

It had been initiated by Yevgeny Zhuk, the head of Ukraine’s Borowski District State Administration and Kharkiv Oblast from the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR).

AEBR representatives at the event included Johannes Moisio of Finland, chairman of the Task Force for External Borders, his deputy Alex Kirukhin of Ukraine and Ana Nikolov, coordinator for Balkans, Serbia.

Zhuk and Kirukhin also represented the Ukrainian side, along with Sergei Tatusyak. Kirukhin heads a transnational cross-border “euroregion” named Slobozhanschina while Tatusyak heads a similar body named Dniester.

The Russian side was represented by Ivan Kosoretsky from the Institute for the Development of the Kaliningrad cross-border cooperation.

The focus question was: “What can we, as a community of experts, do to promote peace?”

The meeting showed that the human factor plays a leading role in the development of cross-border cooperation. This happens through interaction between people, organisations and professionals, as well as through the creation and implementation of joint projects.

Joint agreements

The meeting led to the signing of a contract between the euroregions of Slobozhanschina and Dniester as well as an agreement to develop media cooperation between Poland and Vinnitsa regions.

Overcoming barriers created by conflicts is a key objective of cross-border cooperation. One way to promote peace is to carry out projects that raise awareness among young people about the importance of post-conflict reconciliation and tolerance in crossborder areas. This requires getting their thoughts on reconciliation, tolerance and human security, and their vision for the development of those areas. That will help us create favourable conditions for bringing them together. We must also equip them with skills for creating and implementing their vision.

After the meeting, there were a series of discussions in chatrooms on follow-up. The AEBR task-force chairman Moisio proposed that ICA Ukraine hold a second meeting.

The Experts conversation continued online on Jan 30, facilitated by Svitlana Salamatova, head of ICA Ukraine. AEBR Secretary-General Martín Guillermo Ramírez also took part, although only briefly due to a tight schedule, highlighting the importance that AEBR gives to the dialogue.

The ORID and consensus building processes were used at this meeting together with the Linoit virtual board. Four Strategic Directions were identified for joint work (see chart “Experts Platform for CBC”). This includes both existing and future projects.

Following these meetings, the authors of this report, Svitlana Salamatova of Ukraine and Ana Nikolov of Serbia, discussed the possibility of establishing a joint youth project. We propose a “Border as Area of Peace – European Cross-border Youth Initiative” as follows:

Joint project of AEBR http://, ICA Ukraine www.icaukraine., ICAI com/u/0/10381618585 4921268615/posts

- Experts kick off meeting
- Grant seeking strategy
- Light online activities
- Project opening event
- Creation of web platform
- Creation of Youth Working Groups (YWG)
- Mentoring of YWG
- Implementation of YWG cross-border projects

The Global ICA Channel
Our team believes The Global ICA Channel can play roles like this in other parts of the world as well. If the global ICA team were to take the lead, the channel could be used to host gatherings of young people from around the planet. ToP processes and facilitators could help make these events constructive and productive.

This will help young people and children learn about methods of project management, believe in themselves and perhaps even begin a career as ToP facilitator. In turn, this joint project with a small financial support will help the global ICA organisation “rejuvenate” itself. And The Global ICA Channel will enjoy an interesting life.

Please view our multi-lingual presentation on

Svitlana Salamatova ( is head of ICA Ukraine. Ana Nikolov ( is coordinator in Balkans, Serbia, for the Association of European Border Regions.

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