General Assembly held across two
time zones and over 10 days

By Martin Gilbraith

ICAI’s General Assembly was held over several days in July. The board met on July 8 to conclude the final preparations for the online event over Adobe Connect on July 21. The assembly was held twice, once in each of two time zones, and involved 20 representatives of 13 member ICAs. Polling was also done online, using SurveyMonkey, over a 10-day period, with 19 representatives of the 25 statutory members casting their votes.
At the assembly, volunteer web developer Robert Liverpool shared a draft of the ICAI website he had created using WordPress. The assembly also discussed and passed four resolutions as follows.

  • It approved the Strategic Directions for 2015-16 developed at a board meeting in Tanzania in May.
  • It accepted three non-voting Associate members - ORP of Korea, EPDI of Nigeria and SNCF of Uganda.
  • It approved the Global Conference working group’s proposal to partner with the Initiatives of Change group and convene the next quadrennial meeting at its centre at Caux, Switzerland, in 2016.
  • It adopted a global policy on ICA's Technology of Participation, developed by the ToP policy working group after 18 months of consultation with ICAs worldwide.

Martin Gilbraith is president of the Institute of Cultural Affairs International

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