Polish your writing skills

Want to learn how to write for a magazine? How to grab the reader's interest so he or she keeps reading all the way to the end? Join the Winds & Waves internship program.

Your commitment is to write three articles over a one-year period - one per issue of Winds and Waves. Our editors will work with you through the various stages: generating a story idea, the research/interview process, structuring the article, putting in colour, and revising drafts until it’s ready for publication.

We’ll start with a couple of online writeshops with all the interns. After that, we’ll work with each individual by email, going through his or her drafts and providing feedback and suggestions.

W&W’s aim is threefold. We want to expand our pool of writers. We want to help the groups we feature learn how to tell their story, and thus increase their support. We want to broaden our readership.

There are no fees to be paid, just your commitment for a year. A basic command of English is good enough.

Most important is what you have to say. And what should that be? Whatever will keep readers interested. It could be about a project that you or others you know are involved in, an interesting person you’ve met, or a book you’ve read. If it interests you, you will learn how to make it interesting to others.

We have limited room, so apply early. For more information, email pulai100@yahoo.com with the subject line “W&W internship”.

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