Asia/Pacific ICA Regional Report
(includes additional report from Australia)

Nagarkot & Virtual Regional Meetings
Prepared by Robyn Hutchinson

Delegates from China, Taiwan, Australia, Malaysia, India, Nepal, Bangaladesh, Japan, Sri Lanka, took part in the Regional meeting held as part of the Nargakot meeting, following the ICA global conference in Nepal in November. This was followed by the virtual Asia-Pacific Regional meeting on November 17 with about 20 people in the region participating via Adobe connect.

During this time together, and virtually, the common themes were:

How should ICAs and its partners stay connected on a peer-to-peer basis?

  • It was agreed that Regional meetings (virtual and physical) are important.
  • Our stories in Wind and Waves are essential
  • Email and skype conversations criss-crossing across the countries in the region builds the relationships and information sharing.
  • The region wants to set up a regional data base of ICAs and Associate members.
  • Informal visits to each others’ work is a wonderful bonus wherever it can be arranged.

What projects and initiatives is the Region engaged in?
These involve a wide range of community development projects in education, health, environmental and sustainability, facilitation and training using ToP (Technology of Participation) and many other methods.

What are our challenges?
Possibly our key challenge is keeping everyone connected, as well as supporting new groups and initiatives in the region.
The Asia-Pacific region is an exciting place to be, in supporting and creating sustainable models of governance and leadership & grassroots participation in human development. We invite your participation in the discussions about how we best work as peer-to-peer regional and global organization.

ICA Australia

ICAA is a network for teams and individuals committed to a range of social justice human development initiatives, located in a number of locations across Australia and New Zealand.
These activities include:

  • ICAA formal and informal gatherings, at least annually
  • Active participant and leadership in the ICA Asia Pacific Region peer-to-peer activities
  • Participation in the Global Leadership Team
  • Leadership and participation in a range of Indigenous Reconcilitation initiatives and activities in Australia and New Zealand
  • Continuing partnership in supporting, training and facilitation most specifically in Timor Leste and the countries of  Sub-Asia
  • Leading the Global Editorial Team for Winds and Waves
  • Facilitation and teaching using ToP methods in a wide range of settings
  • Founder and participant of the Global Institute of Facilitative Leadership (ToP: GIFL)
  • Founder and participant of the Sydney Facilitators Network
  • Participation in the Australasian Facilitator Network /International Association of Facilitators/ Sydney Alliance/West End Street people care, Brisbane/ Residents for Reconciliation/Refugee support/ Environmental groups
  • Leadership with the Sydney Development Circle - extending to an Australian Development Circle
  • Exploring the role of mentors and elders, globally and locally. 

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