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President’s message

Editors' Note - Masthead

Human Development

Hits and misses in Maharashtra
  By Dharmalingam Vinasithamby

Return to Maliwada
  By William L. Bingham

Journey back to Jawale
  By Jeroen Geradts and Rokus Harder

Learning from Yolanda
  By Mark Pixley

Saving time through virtual meetings
  By Khrystyna Yablonska

New app for online conversations
  By Rob Work

Why I Write
  By Hila Gharzai

My Prayer
  Deborah Ruiz Wall

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Students looking at old photos of Jawale.
Journey back to Jawale story.


Promoting peace across the borders
  By Svitlana Salamatova, Ana Nikolov

Internship that changed my life
  By Jessie Ho

The Great March for Climate Action
By David Zahrt


Shoot, share and study
  By Loren Weybright, Steve Harrington

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