Published three times a year by The Institute of Cultural Affairs. Articles may be copyrighted by the authors. They are not necessarily the views of the Editorial Team, the ICA or ICA International.  E-magazine and print-ready versions available at: 


Dharmalingam Vinasithamby (Malaysia) 
Rosemary Cairns (Canada)
Layout and design:
desktop/hard-copy versions: Roma Mehta (Taiwan)
smartphones/tablet version: Peter Ellins (Canada) 
Content Coordinators:
Robyn Hutchinson (Australia)  
Isabel de la Maza (Chile) 


Articles for publication: 
Robyn Hutchinson ( or
Isabel de la Maza (
Submit articles at any time. Please include any (print quality) photos or graphics as attachments to your email. Text files should be in Word.
Letters to the Editor:
Dharmalingam Vinasithamby (  
ICA International President:
Martin Gilbraith (

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